
2018-05-23 12:45:37


beneteau pittwater cup, photos by john curnow


beneteau pittwater cup于5月底在澳洲悉尼北部的pittwater地区如期举行,吸引了170名参赛者。该活动由澳洲当地经销商flagstaff marine组织。这项经典赛事已经走过了18年,博纳多船东驾驶着他们的帆船,带着家人和朋友一起参赛,大家度过了美妙的一天,还结识了众多志同道合的朋友。

2018 beneteau pittwater cup

今年参赛的博纳多帆船达到了创纪录的28艘,其中包括全新的遨享仕41.1 performance版本以及经典博纳多帆船船型。无论是经得起时间考验的经典船型还是全新发布的船型,博纳多帆船性能卓越,随时准备接受大海的挑战。另一项在澳洲举行的传奇博纳多帆船赛—悉尼博纳多杯将于2018年10月26日在悉尼港举行。




snapshot: recent beneteau owner gatheringsin the asia-pacific region2018 

2018 beneteau pittwater cup

over the years, beneteau’s local dealers have successfully hosted a series of well-attended owner regattas in the asia-pacific region, some of which have become iconic in the area. in australia and new zealand, the waters are always busy with such events. 

the beneteau pittwater cup – organized by beneteau’s local dealer flagstaff marine at the beginning of may – attracted 170 participants in north sydney, australia. 

the classic event celebrated its 18th edition this year, as owners brought friends and family along for a day of competitive sailing and socializing. the beneteau fleet reached a record of 28 boats of all sizes and ages, including the new oceanis 41.1 performance version and several heritage models. whether time-honored or newly-launched, beneteau sailboats are always ready to deliver solid performances at sea. 

another legendary beneteau event in the country – the beneteau cup at sydney harbour – is set for october 26th, 2018. the 2017 edition was attended by 37 beneteau boats and 270 crew.

 in new zealand, beneteau’s local dealer 36°brokers hosted the 2018 beneteau owners club rally at the end of february, with 17 beneteau boats and around 60 people in attendance. sailing, wine-tasting, and poker games in beautiful weather made the event a great success.

2018 beneteau owners club rally, photos by 36° brokers

the triumph of each beneteau regatta is down to the enthusiastic owners and dedicated distributors. even more exciting sailing events are set to take place in the region in future, catering to owners and sailing enthusiasts from all walks of life. contact your local dealer or beneteau asia-pacific for details.

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